Advisory & Expert Groups


2022/23 Member of the Scientific Committee for Smart Specialisation Strategies for Sustainability (S4) Methodology Development, European Commission Joint Research Centre


2021-2022 World Bank expert on evaluation of Serbian institutes of social sciences


2021/22 Member of the UNECE ‘Task Force on Innovation Policy Principles for Sustainable Development’


2020/21 Advisor on the project ‘Roadmap for the integration of the Lithuanian industry into European value chains’ for the Lithuanian Ministry of Economy


2020 World Bank advisor on final evaluation of smart specialization strategy of Croatia


2019 World Bank study project leader ‘Technology upgrading in Ukraine’


2018 Advisor on industrial policy to German Organisation for International Cooperation (GIZ)


2017/18 Advisor to Ukrainian Ministry of Economy on industrial policy, contract with GIZ


2016/17 Expert of the EC DG Regio involved in several conferences on smart specialization


2015/16 Invited expert by the EC DG Regio on assessing Smart specialization strategy activities of Bulgaria


2016 Member of a team of experts by the UN Economic Commission for Europe in charge of assessing innovation performance of Belarus


2015 Member of a team of experts by the UN Economic Commission for Europe in charge of assessing innovation performance of Tajikistan


2014/15 Invited expert by the EC DG Regio on assessing Smart specialization strategy activities of Slovenia and Croatia


2013 Invited expert by the EC DG Regio on assessing Smart specialization strategy activities of Slovakia and Slovenia


2012 Invited expert by the EC DG Regio on assessing Smart specialization strategy activities of Bulgaria


2012 Member of a team of experts by the UN Economic Commission for Europe in charge of assessing innovation performance of Ukraine, September


2011 – 2012 OECD invited an expert on study ‘Needs assessment and feasibility study for the establishment of a competence centre in Serbia’ OECD


2005-2012 Member of Management Committee of ERAWatch Network


2011 (with Graham Vickery, Terttu Luukkonen, and Robbert Fisher (Rapporteur)), (2011), Interim Evaluation of EU Competitiveness and Innovation Programme: ICT for Policy Support (CIP ICT PSP Final (Second Interim) Evaluation, Report to DG INFO, EC, Brussels


2010, Member of a team of experts by the UN Economic Commission for Europe in charge of assessing innovation performance of Belarus, Minsk, September


2009 UNESCO appointed member of three experts team with the task to advise Serbian minister for science and technological development Mr Bozidar Djelic on Strategy for science and technology development of Serbia


2009 Member of the Expert Group chaired by Luc Soete: “The role of Community research policy in the knowledge-based economy”. The objective of the group is to develop recommendations on how to frame and articulate the Community research policy, its objectives and means of actions (both financial and non-financial) in the post-2010 period, so that it better fosters the development of the EU knowledge-based economy, strengthens the competitiveness of the EU industry and stimulates an innovation-based growth. EU. DG Research


2009 – 2010 Member of Panel of independent experts for monitoring of the CIP ICT-PSP performance: impact observatory, European Commission, DG Information Society and Media


2008-09 Chair of the expert group on innovation policy established under the EU Czech Presidency, October 2008 – January 2009. Introductory presentation at the final conference in Prague, January 23, 2009


2007- 2008 – 2009 Member of the independent review panel of EU funded Network of Excellence, DIME: Dynamics of Institutions and Markets in Europe, Sixth Framework Programme, Priority 7 [Citizens and Governance in a Knowledge based Society]


2006-07 Member of High-Level Advisory Group of the EU funded study ‘Innovation Impact’ commissioned by the EU DG Research


2007 UN Economic Commission for Europe, Major contributor to the UNECE Report “Creating a conducive environment for higher competitiveness and effective national innovation systems. Lessons learned from the experiences of UNECE countries”. The UNECE Team of Specialists on Innovation and Competitiveness Policies (TOS-ICP)


2006 Consultant to UNESCO in preparing conference ‘Why Invest in Science in South Eastern Europe?’, Ljubljana September and expert in training for S&T indicators for statisticians from South Eastern Europe, Skopje, February 2007


2005 – 2012 ERAWatch – Strategic intelligence service to support evidence-based policy-making in the research field. EU funded the initiative which is the responsibility of the EU JRC Institute of Prospective Studies, Seville (Member of ERAWatch Management Committee. This mega-project network was coordinated by Technopolis Ltd)(EUR10m)


2004 – 2009 Senior Policy Analyst within Trendchart – The “European TrendChart on Innovation” is a benchmarking instrument of the European Commission in the area of innovation policy


2002 -2011 Expert to Croatian National Council for Competitiveness (Methodology for the National Reports, Co-editor, Author of Summary; The report, Member of several working groups of Council and Government of Croatia)


2003 Asian Development Bank, Advising Kazakh Ministry for Industry and Trade on issues of strategy for S&T parks in the context of national industrial strategy


1997-98 EU – TACIS project ‘S&T Development in the Russian market economy’, Technical assistance to the Russian ministry for S&T (with TNO, Netherlands and Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Muenchen)


1996-97 EU – PHARE Technical assistance project on Romanian R&D: Component 2: Restructuring of R&D institutes/Evaluation of a system of R&D finance in Romania (with Ernst & Young, London)


1994-1999 Short-term macroeconomic forecasts for Poland and Hungary, Oxford Economic Forecasting European Economic Prospects, later World Economic Prospects: European Supplement, four issues a year