Research Projects


2018-19 Team leader for the World Bank study ‘Path for Ukraine’s economic growth: technology upgrading’, $50K


2019-2020 Technological transformation and Transitioning of Regional Economies, Partner on study for the EC ESPON 2020 Cooperation Programme on employment effects of industry 4.0 on EU regions, EUR1mn (coordinator POLIMI Milan)


2019-2021 GrowInPro – Growth Welfare Innovation Productivity, Horizon 2020 – Research and Innovation Framework Programme, Principal Investigator, UCL is a partner (Total value of project tEUR3mn)


2016-2019 Twinning project Smart_EIZ. Capacity building project in the area of economics of innovation and technology in Croatia, Funded by the EC H2020 (Partners MERIT Maastricht, CRIOS Milan, and the Economic Institute Zagreb)


2015 – 2016 Book project funded by Romanian Agency for Higher Education: Advances in theory and practice of smart specialization’, Academic leader of an expert group of 17 experts in area of innovation, industrial and regional policy


2012-2015 GRINCOH: Growth- Innovation – Competitiveness: Fostering Cohesion in Central and Eastern Europe, EU FP7, Collaborative project, partner and coordinator of the UCL team (EUR 3.2mn)


2009 – 2011 UCL Carbon Governance project, member of the inter-departmental project team


2009 – 2011 AEGIS: Advancing Knowledge-Intensive Entrepreneurship and for Economic Growth and Social Wellbeing in Europe, Large Scale Collaborative Project, EU FP7 project award (EUR 3m)


2004-2007 KEINS – Knowledge-based entrepreneurship: Innovation, Networks and Systems, FP6 EU funded STREP collaborative project coordinated by Bocconi University Italy. (Coordinator of the UCL project team with three other researchers)(EUR1.2mn)


2004-2009 Member of PRIME Network of Excellence (Policies for Research and Innovation in the Move towards the European Research Area) which is supported by the EU Sixth Framework Program (EUR5mn)?


2003/2004 Member of project team coordinated by Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW) for a study commissioned by the EU DG Employment on “Economic Restructuring and Labour Markets in the Accession Countries” (EUR1.5mn)


2003-2006 ‘Economic Change: Micro-Foundations of Organizational and Institutional Changes in Europe’, EU Framework Programme V Project, (Consortium of partners coordinated by University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona and Open University, UK)


2001 – 2003 ‘Innovation Policy in Seven Applicant Countries: Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, Slovakia and Turkey’, Study funded by the EC DG Enterprise, (Project partner in co-operation with ADE, Louvain-la-Neueve, Logotech, Athens, and MERIT, Maastricht)


2001 – 2004 ‘EU Integration and the Prospects for Catch-Up Development in CEECs: the Determinants of the Productivity Gap’, Fifth EU Framework Program, Key Action: ‘Improving socio-economic knowledge base’, (Project partner in co-operation with Institut für Wirtschafts­forschung Halle and six EU/CEE partners)


2000 - 2003 ‘Integration of Macroeconomic and S&T Policies for Growth, Employment and Technology’, Fifth EU Framework Programme, Key Action: ‘Improving socio-economic knowledge base’, (Subcontractor to project co-ordinator SPRU, University of Sussex)


2000 - 2001 ‘Innovation Policy in Issues in Six Applicant Countries: the Challenges’, Study funded by the EC DG Enterprise, (Project partner in co-operation with ADE, Louvain-la-Neueve, and MERIT, Maastricht)


1999-2002 ‘The emerging industrial architecture of the wider Europe: the co-evolution of industrial and political structures’, ESRC Programme ‘One Europe or several?’ (project coordinator)


1998 – 2001 ‘Novosibirsk – Prospects for Building Regional Innovation Policy’, Linkage Grant with Institute for Economics and Industrial Engineering, Novosibirsk, NATO Science for Peace Program


1998-99 “Trading technology for market access: strategic technology alliances in Russia and Ukraine”, EC-TACIS-ACE, 1997-1998 (co-ordinator MERIT, Maastricht)


1996-99 “RTD and Restructuring in the CEE and Russia”, EC – INCO COPERNICUS (co-ordinator CEPREMAP, Paris)


1996-98 “Restructuring and reintegration of S&T systems in economies in transition”, EC Fourth Framework Program: Targeted Socio-Economic Research, (project coordinator, partners DIW and WZB, Berlin and ROSES, Paris)


1996-98 “Technology Transfer or Blockaded Entry: International Co-operative Agreements in the Central European Economies in Transition”, EC-ACE (co-ordinator MERIT, Maastricht)


1994-95 “From Combinates to Enterprises: Industrial Restructuring in the Baltic States”, EC-ACE program (co-ordinator CERNA, Paris)


1993-96 “The Role of S&T in Science and Technology Policy in the Industrial Regeneration of Eastern Europe”, The Leverhulme Trust


1993-94 “Technology – Transfer Policies in an Era of Rapid Technological Change”, UN Institute for New Technologies, Maastricht


1993-94 “Innovation Potential Embodied in Changing Academy – Industry Relations in Eastern Europe”, Central European University, Budapest


1992-93 “The Competitiveness of Croatia: The Basis for the Restructuration of Economy”, Funded by the Croatian Fund for Privatisation, Zagrebacka Bank and ‘Pliva’ Ltd


1992-93 “Technology Policy in Structural Adjustment of Croatian Economy”, The Croatian Ministry for S&T


1989 Evaluation of the Federal Fund for Technological Development, Study Funded by the Federal Secretariat for Development of SFRY