Book Chapters
(With Luc Soete) Challenges of Governance and the integration of sustainability in the prioritisation and evaluation of strategies, In Schwaag Serger S., Soete L. and Stierna J. (eds), The Square: Putting place-based innovation policy for sustainability at the centre of policymaking, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2023, doi:10.2760/135706, JRC131244
(With Kevin Morgan) ‘Institutional capacity building: Learning from S3 to catalyse innovation partnerships’, In Schwaag Serger S., Soete L. and Stierna J. (eds), The Square: Putting place-based innovation policy for sustainability at the centre of policymaking, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2023, doi:10.2760/135706, JRC131244
(With Randolph Luca Bruno and Kirill Osaulenko (2020) Technology Upgrading in Emerging Economies: A New Approach to its Measurement, Results and Relationship to Mainstream Measures, In Keun Lee, Jong Dong Lee, Slavo Radosevic, Dirk Meissner, Nick Vonortas) (eds) Technology Upgrading and Economic Catch-up, Oxford University Press
Radosevic S. and E. Yoruk (2020) Entrepreneurship In Comparative Economics Perspective, In Douarin, Elodie, Havrylyshyn, Oleh (Eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Comparative Economics, Palgrave
Slavo Radosevic, Deniz E. Yoruk and Esin Yoruk (2019) Technology Upgrading and Growth In Central and Eastern Europe, Chapter 8 in Social and Economic Development in Central and Eastern Europe. Stability and Change after 1990 Edited By Grzegorz Gorzelak. It is the same hyperlink but book title and editor were wrong
‘Assessing EU Smart Specialization Policy in a Comparative Perspective’ (Chapter 1) and ‘Advancing Theory and Practice of Smart Specialization: Key Messages’ (Chapter 15), In Radosevic, Slavo, Adrian Curaj, Radu Gheorghiu, Liviu Andreescu and Imogen Wade (eds)(2017) Advances in the Theory and Practice of Smart Specialization, Academic Press, Elsevier Science Publishers
‘(With Esin Yoruk) Entrepreneurial strategies of knowledge-intensive firms in Central and Eastern Europe, Chapter 13 in Franco Malerba, Yannis Caloghirou Maureen McKelvey, Slavo Radosevic (eds) Dynamics of knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship: business strategy and public policy, Routledge, London 2015
‘Innovation Capacity in the South East Europe Region’, In Thomas Döring and Dietmar Sternad (eds) Handbook of Doing Business in South East Europe, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011 (with D. Kutlaca)
‘Challenges of convergent innovation policies in multi-tier Europe: Schumpeterian perspective’, In Radosevic Slavo and Anna Kaderabkova (eds) (2011) Challenges for European Innovation Policy: Cohesion and Excellence from a Schumpeterian Perspective, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham
(With Philip Aghion et al.), Innovation Policy Options for ‘Catching Up’ by the EU CEE Member States, In Radosevic Slavo and Anna Kaderabkova (eds) (2011), op cit.
South Eastern Europe, UNESCO Science Report, 2010, Paris, UNESCO, pp. 183-199
What makes entrepreneurship systemic?, In Malerba, F. (ed) Knowledge-Intensive Entrepreneurship and Innovation Systems, Routledge, 2010, pp. 52-76
Radosevic, S., M. Savic and R. Woodword (2010) Knowledge-based entrepreneurship in central and eastern Europe: results of a firm level based survey, In Malerba, F. (ed) Knowledge-Intensive Entrepreneurship and Innovation Systems, Routledge, p.198-218