Book Chapters


(With Luc Soete) Challenges of Governance and the integration of sustainability in the prioritisation and evaluation of strategies, In Schwaag Serger S., Soete L. and Stierna J. (eds), The Square: Putting place-based innovation policy for sustainability at the centre of policymaking, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2023, doi:10.2760/135706, JRC131244


(With Kevin Morgan) ‘Institutional capacity building: Learning from S3 to catalyse innovation partnerships’, In Schwaag Serger S., Soete L. and Stierna J. (eds), The Square: Putting place-based innovation policy for sustainability at the centre of policymaking, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2023, doi:10.2760/135706, JRC131244


(With Randolph Luca Bruno and Kirill Osaulenko (2020) Technology Upgrading in Emerging Economies: A New Approach to its Measurement, Results and Relationship to Mainstream Measures, In Keun Lee, Jong Dong Lee, Slavo Radosevic, Dirk Meissner, Nick Vonortas) (eds) Technology Upgrading and Economic Catch-up, Oxford University Press


Radosevic S. and E. Yoruk (2020) Entrepreneurship In Comparative Economics Perspective, In Douarin, Elodie, Havrylyshyn, Oleh (Eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Comparative Economics, Palgrave


Slavo Radosevic, Deniz E. Yoruk and Esin Yoruk (2019) Technology Upgrading and Growth In Central and Eastern Europe, Chapter 8 in Social and Economic Development in Central and Eastern Europe. Stability and Change after 1990 Edited By Grzegorz Gorzelak. It is the same hyperlink but book title and editor were wrong


Assessing EU Smart Specialization Policy in a Comparative Perspective’ (Chapter 1) and ‘Advancing Theory and Practice of Smart Specialization: Key Messages’ (Chapter 15), In Radosevic, Slavo, Adrian Curaj, Radu Gheorghiu, Liviu Andreescu and Imogen Wade (eds)(2017) Advances in the Theory and Practice of Smart Specialization, Academic Press, Elsevier Science Publishers


‘(With Esin Yoruk) Entrepreneurial strategies of knowledge-intensive firms in Central and Eastern Europe, Chapter 13 in Franco Malerba, Yannis Caloghirou Maureen McKelvey, Slavo Radosevic (eds) Dynamics of knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship: business strategy and public policy, Routledge, London 2015


Innovation Capacity in the South East Europe Region’, In Thomas Döring and Dietmar Sternad (eds) Handbook of Doing Business in South East Europe, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011 (with D. Kutlaca)


Challenges of convergent innovation policies in multi-tier Europe: Schumpeterian perspective’, In Radosevic Slavo and Anna Kaderabkova (eds) (2011) Challenges for European Innovation Policy: Cohesion and Excellence from a Schumpeterian Perspective, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham


(With Philip Aghion et al.), Innovation Policy Options for ‘Catching Up’ by the EU CEE Member States, In Radosevic Slavo and Anna Kaderabkova (eds) (2011), op cit.


South Eastern Europe, UNESCO Science Report, 2010, Paris, UNESCO, pp. 183-199


What makes entrepreneurship systemic?, In Malerba, F. (ed) Knowledge-Intensive Entrepreneurship and Innovation Systems, Routledge, 2010, pp. 52-76


Radosevic, S., M. Savic and R. Woodword (2010) Knowledge-based entrepreneurship in central and eastern Europe: results of a firm level based survey, In Malerba, F. (ed) Knowledge-Intensive Entrepreneurship and Innovation Systems, Routledge, p.198-218


Science, technology and economic ‘catching up’ and ‘falling behind’ in South Eastern Europe, In Nechifor Iulia and Slavo Radosevic (eds) (2007), op cit, pp. 21-37


Innovation surveys in Central and Eastern: results and policy issues, In Blankley, M. Scerri, N. Molotja and I. Saloojee (2006), Measuring Innovation in OECD and non-OECD countries, Selected Seminar Papers, HSRC Press, Cape Town, pp. 199-216


Radosevic S. and M. Kriaucioniene (2007), The role of higher education in national innovation systems in central and eastern Europe, In D. Bridges, T. McKloughlin, R. and P. Jucevicius (eds.): Higher Education and National Development: Systems in Transition, Routledge


Jaworski Piotr and Slavo Radosevic (2006) The rise and fall of a Central European Enterprise: The Case of Elektrim, In Mickiewicz, T (ed) Corporate Governance and Finance in Poland and Russia, Palgrave Macmillan, London and New York, pp. 91-118


Majcen B, S. Radosevic and M. Rojec, (2006) ‘FDI Subsidiaries and Industrial Integration of Central Europe: Conceptual and Empirical Results’, In D.A. Dyker (ed) Closing the East-West Productivity Gap: Foreign Direct Investment, Competitiveness and Public Policy, Imperial College Press, 2006


‘Domestic innovation capacity – can CEE governments correct FDI-driven trends through R&D policy?’ (2006) In D.A. Dyker (ed) Closing the East-West Productivity Gap: Foreign Direct Investment, Competitiveness and Public Policy, Imperial College Press, 2006, pp.


Radosevic S. and N.von Tunzelmann, ‘Conclusions – from the European periphery to the core?’, In H. Hannula, S. Radosevic and N. von Tunzelmann (eds.) (2006), op cit, pp.


‘The Knowledge-based Economy in Central and Eastern Europe: An Overview of Key Issues’, In K. Piech, S. Radosevic (eds.), (2006), op cit, pp. 31-56


Radosevic S. and A. Reid, Innovation Policy for Knowledge-based Economy in Central and Eastern Europe: Driver of Growth or New Layer of Bureaucracy? In K. Piech, S. Radosevic (eds.), (2006), op cit, pp. 295-311


Transformation of research and innovation policy in new EU member and candidate countries: what can we learn from it?’ In Edvard Kobal and Slavo Radosevic (Eds.)(2005), op cit, pp.


‘Towards S&T driven growth in South East Europe: S&T and Innovation Policy Implications’, In Edvard Kobal and Slavo Radosevic (Eds.)(2005), op cit, pp.


Kobal E., M. Komac, S. Radosevic, J. Slak, N. Svob-Djokic, Management of Quality and Finances in Research on the National Level, In Edvard Kobal and Slavo Radosevic (Eds.)(2005), op cit, pp.


Radosevic S. and F. McGowan, ‘Industry integration in the pan-European economy: a review of theoretical and empirical issues’, In F. McGowan, S. Radosevic and N. von Tunzelmann, (Eds.)(2004), op cit, pp. 6-22


Radosevic, S. and D.E.Yoruk, Industry networks in CEE at the firm level: summary and overview of ten case studies, In F. McGowan, S. Radosevic and N. von Tunzelmann, (Eds.)(2004), op cit, pp57-76


‘Network alignment in the electronics industry in central and eastern Europe’, In F. McGowan, S. Radosevic and N. von Tunzelmann, (Eds.)(2004), op cit, pp111-130


McGowan F., S. Radosevic, and N. von Tunzelmann, Network alignment and pan-European industry networks: conclusions, contributions and policy implications, In McGowan, S. Radosevic and N. von Tunzelmann, (Eds.)(2004), op cit, pp237-254


‘The dynamics of international industrial Networks in central Europe’, In Radosevic, S. and B. Sadowski (Eds.)(2004), op cit, pp.41-58


‘Foreign direct investment and alliances in global, Industrial integration of electronics in central Europe’, In Radosevic, S. and B. Sadowski (Eds.)(2004), op cit, pp. 95-108


Radosevic, S. and D. E. Yoruk, ‘The growth of enterprise through entrepreneurship and network alignment’, In Radosevic, S. and B. Sadowski (Eds.)(2004), op cit, pp.109-130


Henderson, J. and S. Radosevic, Restructuring and growth of post-socialist enterprises through alliances: Lukoil and Yukos, In Radosevic, S. and B. Sadowski (Eds.)(2004), op cit, pp. 223-236


‘Central and East European Electronics Industry between Foreign and Domestic-led modernisation’, In M. Faust, U. Voskamp and V. Wittke (eds.)(2004) European industrial restructuring in a global economy: fragmentation and relocation of value chains, SOFI, University of Gottingen. p. 267-294


‘Regional policy, national and regional foresight in central and east European candidate countries’, In Piech (ed), K.Knowledge-based economy in countries in transition, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, 2004, pp.


‘Innovation policies in central and eastern European countries: are they meeting the challenges of knowledge-based growth in enlarged EU?’, In Andrzej H Jasinski, (ed): Transition economies in the European Research and Innovation Area: New challenges for their science and technology, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydzialu Zarzadzania Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warsaw, 2004, pp. 95-114


‘What future for S&T in the CEECs in the 21st century’, In Meske, W. (ed.) ‘From System Transformation to European Integration. Science and technology in Central and Eastern Europe at the beginning of the 21st century’, LIT Verlag, Munster, 2004, pp. 443-478.


(Mis)match between demand and supply for technology: innovation, R&D and growth issues in countries of central and eastern Europe, In Walter Leal Filho (ed) Supporting the Development of R&D and the Innovation Potential of Post-Socialist Countries, IOS Press, 2004


‘Understanding patterns of innovative activities in countries of CEE. A comparison with EU innovation survey’. In Inzelt, A. and L. Auriol (2002) Innovation in Promising Economies, AULA Publisher, Budapest


(With Guenter H. Walter) ‘Supporting Innovation Through Institution Building in Central and Eastern Europe: Between Visions and Realities’. In Oliver Pfirrmann and Guenter H. Walter. Small Firms and Entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe: A Socio-Economic Perspective, Physica Verlag, 2002, pp.213 -235


‘Pan-European industrial networks as a factor of convergence or divergence within Europe: Conceptual and empirical issues for research’, In Wallace, H. (Ed.): Whose Europe? Interlocking Dimensions of Integration, Macmillan, London, 2001, pp.45-67


‘Integration through industrial networks in the wider Europe: An assessment based on a survey of research’ In Koschatzky, K./Kulicke, M./Zenker, A. (Eds.): Innovation Networks – Concepts and Challenges in the European Perspective, Physica Verlag, Heidelberg and New York, 2001, pp. 153-174


‘FDI in Central Europe: Short-Run Effects in Manufacturing’, in N. Fabry, S. Zeghni (eds.) Transition in Asia and Eastern and Central Europe: a closed door, two open windows? Nova Science Publishers, Huntington NY 2001 (co-authors: T. Mickiewicz, U.Varblane)


(With Mickiewicz, T.and U. Varblane). Foreign direct investment, structures of employment and job creation in transition economies, 1993-96, In Weresa, A. Marzenna (ed.) Foreign Direct Investment in a Transition Economy: The Polish Case, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, London, 2000


(With M. Knell) ‘Foreign direct investment, technology transfer and growth in economic theory’, In Hunya, G. (Ed.) Integration through FDI: Making Central Europe Competitive, Edward Elgar, 1999


‘Alliances and the Emerging Patterns of Technological Integration and Marginalisation of Central and Eastern Europe in Global Economy’, in Dyker, D (Ed): Foreign Direct Investment and Technology Transfer in the Former Soviet Union, Edward Elgar, London, 1999. pp.


(With K. Pavitt) Trade, technology and structural change in post-socialist countries: an introduction, In Dyker. D. and S. Radosevic, 1999, op cit., pp. 333-338


(With D. Dyker) What quantitative analysis of trends in science and technology tell us about patterns of transformation and growth in the post-socialist countries? In Dyker. D. and S. Radosevic, 1999, op cit., pp. 1-28


‘Prospects for Building Regional Technology Policy in Central and Eastern Europe’, In Morgan, K and Nauewealers, C (eds): Regional Technology Strategies: The Challenges for Less-favored Regions, HM Stationery Office in cooperation with Regional Studies Association, London, 1999, pp.160-178


‘Divergence or Convergence in R&D and Innovation Between “East” and “West”‘, in Brzezinski, H and Fritsch, M (eds): Innovation and Transformation, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 1999, pp.


‘Alliances and the emerging patterns of technological integration and marginalization of central and eastern Europe in the global economy’, in D. Dyker (ed.) Foreign Direct Investment and Technology Transfer in the Former Soviet Union, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (Book is translated into Ukrainian and published in Kiev by K.I.C. in 2003)


‘Systems of Innovation in Transformation from Socialism to Post-Socialism’, in Edquist, C et al. (eds): Systems of Innovation: Technologies, Institutions and Organisations, Pinter Publisher, London, 1997, pp. 371-389


‘The Baltic Post-Socialist Enterprises and the Development of Organisational Capabilities’, in Hood, N and Killis, R (eds): Micro-Level Studies of the Transition in the Baltic States, Macmillan, London, 1997, pp. 19-45


‘Strategic Technology Policy in Post-Socialism’ in Hirschhausen, C (ed): New neighbours in Eastern Europe – Economic and Industrial Reform in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, Presses de l’Ecoles des Mines, 1998., pp


‘Technology Transfer in Global Competition: The case of Economies in Transition’, in Dyker, D (ed): Technology of Transition, Central European University Press, 1997, pp. 126-161


(With D Dyker) ‘Technological integration and global marginalisation of central and east European economies: the role of FDI and alliances’, in Sharma, S (ed): Restructuring and Transition in Eastern Europe, Edward Elgar, 1997, pp. 111-127


‘Prospects of Building Science and Technology Capabilities in Central and Eastern Europe’, in Knell, M (ed): Economics of Transition: Structural Adjustment and Growth Prospects in Eastern Europe, Edward Elgar, 1996, pp. 185-209


‘Restructuring of R&D Institutes in Post-Socialist Economies: Emerging Patterns and Issues’, in Webster, A (ed): Building New Bases for Innovation: The Transformation of the R&D System in the Post-Socialist States, Anglia Polytechnic University, Cambridge, 1996, pp. 8-30


‘The Eastern European Latecomer Firm and Technology Transfer: From “Muddling Through” to “Catching Up”‘, in Alterov, Z; Bugliarello, G and Pak, N (eds): Technology Transfer: Personnel and Leadership Issues, Kluwer Publishers, 1996, pp. 129-154. Reprinted in ‘The Economics Of Technology Transfer’, Edited by Sanjaya Lall, The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, Edward Elgar, 2001


‘The Yugoslav Collapse Between the Chance and Necessity’, in Dyker, D, Yugoslavia and After, Longman, London, 1996, pp. 65-86


‘Techno-Economic Networks and Social Intelligence as Useful Concepts in Technology Policy-Making’, in Cronin, B and Silovic, N T: From Information Management to Social Intelligence: The Key to Open Markets, ASLIB, London, 1992, pp. 29-42


(With Peter Stanovnik) ‘Information Technology Paradigm and the Structural Adjustment of the Yugoslav Economy’, in Berluer, J and Drumm, J (eds): Information Technology Assessment (Proceedings of the 4th IFIP TC9 International Conference on Human Choice and Computers held jointly with the CEC FAST Program, Dublin), North Holland Publishers, 1991, pp. 257-267


(With Stevan Dedijer) ‘Knowledge Industries, Information Technologies and Intelligence: The Case of Yugoslavia’, in Cronin, B and Silovic, N T (eds): The Knowledge Industries: Levers of Economic and Social Development in the 1990s, ASLIB, London, 1991, pp. 29-47


‘The Scope of Technology Policy Instruments’, In Arborg 1988, Institute for samfundsokonomi og planlaegning, Roskilde Universittetscenter, Denmark, 1989